Removal of papillomas

SkinCare Centar promene na kozi Papilomi 01
Removal of papillomas – hanging warts

Removal of papillomas – Papillomas are benign skin-colored or pigmented growths that occur more often in obese people in the neck, armpit, groin region under the breasts and on the stomach. Papillomas are of viral origin, so they spread very quickly on the skin. Infection with this virus is possible through direct contact. The time from contact to the appearance of papillomas is about 3 months. Papillomas, popularly known as “hanging warts” can be mushroom or conical in shape, size from 1 to 3 mm, normal skin color to dark brown. At the beginning, only one papilloma appears, but soon the so-called autoinfection, and spreading, and there can be over a hundred of them. In order to prevent the spread to ourselves, but also to our close people, removal is recommended.

Cryotherapy is generally singled out as the method of choice for papilloma removal because it is fast, painless, effective and financially the most favorable. Cryotherapy is the only method that removes papillomas and fibroids without scarring.

For the removal of papillomas with cryotherapy, only one intervention is generally sufficient. The use of the most modern Brymill apparatus with different types of applicators allows liquid nitrogen to be applied with high control and precision, without damaging the surrounding healthy skin.

SkinCare Center therapists have undergone training for the application of cryotherapy in medical care and have a Brymill certificate.