Laser removal of scars

SkinCare Centar Laser lasersko uklanjanje oziljaka
Laser removal of acne scars

As a result of more severe forms of acne, scars remain on the skin, which are often the cause of frustration and confusion. It’s still unclear why some acne scars and others don’t. There are two basic types of acne scars, depending on whether the defect was created below the skin level (atrophic scars) or above the skin level (hypertrophic – keloid scars). 80-90% of people with acne have atrophic acne scars. Thanks to the latest technology of the Syneron-Candela company, these irregularities can now be corrected.Laser removal of acne scars, with less pain and twice the recovery time of previous treatments, is offered by the first fractionated system based on bipolar radiofrequency current, eMatrix.

eStyleeMatrix is ​​a device that works on the principle of bipolar radio frequency currents (RF) that transmit energy to the skin in a controlled manner, through as many as 64 diodes. The energy of the RF current is converted into heat in the skin, heating the tissue and creating 64 microdamages on an area only slightly larger than a square centimeter.The skin reacts to the injury by regeneration, creating new collagen. The skin becomes tighter and more elastic, and the scars are filled. This “spot” injury leaves the surrounding tissue undamaged, which further accelerates the regeneration process.

Laser removal of acne scars with a classic fractional laser requires a long recovery period of several weeks.Fraxel laser damages up to 70% of the epidermis during the treatment. Clients with darker skin have a greater tendency to develop hyperpigmentation after laser treatment. Fraxel laser acne scar removal is often contraindicated in clients with skin phototype IV-VI. Unlike the Fraxel laser, eMatrix damages only 5% of the epidermis. eMatrix can be used completely safely in all skin phototypes with a minimal recovery period, without the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Laser acne scar removal is performed in a series of 3 treatments every 4-6 weeks.

The first results are visible immediately after the treatment, when the skin is soft and smooth. You will see a permanent, real result only three months after completing a series of treatments. Laser acne scar removal is a safe and effective treatment. The treatment lasts only 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the region being treated.

2 25.04.24.
2b 11.12.24.