
SkinCare Centar Ematrix 01 1

eMatrix is ​​a small in size, powerful in effect device that works on the principle of bipolar radio frequency currents (RF) that transmit energy to the skin in a controlled manner, through as many as 64 diodes, where the energy of the RF current is converted into heat, heats the tissue and creates 64 microdamages on the surface only slightly larger than a square centimeter.

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The skin reacts to the injury by regeneration, creating new collagen, thus becoming tighter and more elastic.

This “point” injury leaves the surrounding tissue undamaged, which further accelerates the regeneration process.

The eMatrix RF fractional system combines the possibilities for which it would otherwise be necessary to use several types of lasers: Er.Yag, Nd.Yag, CO2, Er.Glass.

Unlike the laser beam, which when penetrating the tissue creates greater damage on the surface of the skin, than those in the deeper layers of the dermis, the bipolar RF current produces the opposite effect: less damage on the surface with a more effective effect in the deeper layers. So, less invasive and more effective.

Fractional RF technology treats various skin changes:

  • wrinkles
  • scars
  • acne scars
  • surface irregularities on the skin
  • stretch marks
  • loss of skin elasticity