
1 Skeyndor
Skeyndor enzyme treatment is a medical solution for hygienic skin treatment

Skeyndor tretman razlaže nečistoću i dubinski čisti pore

Skeyndor treatment breaks down impurities and
deeply cleans the pores

Skeyndor enzymes are not, like most enzyme treatments, based on plant or fruit enzymes.Herbal enzymes provide excellent results, but are contraindicated in people with an atopic constitution.

Unlike vegetable enzymes, Skeyndor enzymes have a bacterial base, so they can be safely used even when fruit enzymes are contraindicated.

Skeyndor enzyme treatment breaks down impurities and deep cleans pores, relieves redness and reduces irritation. The skin becomes brighter, softer and acquires a healthy appearance, and it is applied to all skin types as a basic hygiene treatment.

Its advantage over classic hygiene treatments is that it can be applied to the most sensitive skin as well as skin with enlarged capillaries. The treatment does not include the application of thermal procedures (steaming the skin with a vapozone or thermal masks), which achieve the opening of the pores, but also damage the blood vessels and connective tissue of the skin. The treatment excludes comedo expression (mechanical cleaning – “squeezing”).Comedoekspresia results in bruises, scars, hyperpigmentation, not to mention how painful and unpleasant the procedure itself is.

The enzyme treatment is extremely simple, pleasant, and lasts only about 30 minutes. After the treatment, your skin looks fresh without any redness or irritation. There are no unpleasant and painful comedo-expression marks, so you can immediately return to your daily activities.

Enzyme treatment in acne therapy is applied in a series of 6 treatments once a week. Then the treatment is repeated once a month until complete healing. When the enzyme treatment is performed as a hygienic treatment, depending on the type and condition of the skin, the treatment is usually repeated once a month or once every two months.

Enzyme treatment is not recommended immediately after microdermabrasion and laser treatments. It is necessary to wait 7-10 days, as well as on freshly depilated skin (wait 24-48 hours).

SkinCare Center therapists have undergone training for the application of Skeyndor files in medical care and have a Skeyndor certificate.